Celebrating 50 years of Passion for Science.

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February 2024

Celebrating 50 years of Passion for Science.
NEB was created by scientists for scientists, and we prioritize the advancement of science, stewardship of the environment, and giving back to the world around us. Since our establishment in 1974, we have remained committed to developing high quality, innovative products that not only empower your research but also our own. Our profits have always funded an extensive research program, which we believe is critical for staying connected to our customers and helping to drive scientific breakthroughs.

As we reflect on the last 50 years and look toward the future, we are excited to support your research and help you address these complex challenges. 

We hope that by working together, we can shape the science of tomorrow.
Learn How You Can
Celebrate With Us

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Application Notes
Did you know that NEB has over 75 application and technical notes on a wide range of topics available through our website?
Explore NEB Application Notes

NEBNext UltraExpress is Streamlined for Speed!
Our three new library prep kits make your libraries faster with streamlined workflows and smarter enzyme mixes. You’ll save tips, tubes and time while generating high-quality libraries ready for your Illumina® sequencer.
NEBNext UltraExpress DNA for libraries in < two hours from pre-sheared DNA
NEBNext UltraExpress DNA

NEBNext UltraExpress FS DNA for libraries in < two hours from intact DNA
NEBNext UltraExpress FS DNA

NEBNext UltraExpress RNA for libraries in three hours
(following RNA enrichment/depletion)
NEBNext UltraExpress RNA

Request a sample of the streamlined solution at your local distributor.

NEBuilder® Protocol Calculator
Our new online tool simplifies your NEBuilder HiFi reaction set-up and gives you confidence in your protocol.

Calculates optimal amounts of DNA needed for NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly reactions

Enables fast and easy reaction setup

Eliminates need for manual calculation and decreases chances of error

Provides a customized protocol for reliable results
Explore Our Tool   Additional NEBuilder resources & tools

New England Biolabs is a Certified B Corporation.

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